Meet Dr. Danett

Hi! My name is Danett Bean. I’m a Doctor of Acupuncture & Asian Medicine, a women’s health specialist, author, and speaker. After many years of studying and practicing women’s health, I learned my biggest lesson on maternal wellness after giving birth to my son. I hemorrhaged soon after the birth, which began a sequence of events that I had never known mothers to go through. Until then, I thought it was all Pamper commercials and the sweet scent of newborns, but I soon learned that to not be true.

Between the effects of the labor, lack of support, being put back on a newborn feeding schedule when my son was 5 months, and accumulated years of trauma as a youth and racism, my body collapsed. I experienced many ailments, from my joints going out where I couldn’t even hold my son as a baby to repeated dangerous infections, autoimmune diagnosis, and more. I almost perished in labor, but that was a breeze compared to the next 5 years of my life. I promised higher power that I would write about my experience to help other mothers not go through this if I made it through. In 2017, I fulfilled this promise with my book, A Taste Of Our Own Medicine: Ending Postnatal Depletion, Nurturing Mothers and Healing Communities, which became an online bestseller.

There have been numerous gains since the researching for and publishing of A Taste Of Our Own Medicine. These include maternal health as more of a mainstream conversation and many more maternal health complications being added to the classification system for disease diagnosis. Despite this, maternal mortality and morbidity continue to prevail, as does the racial disparity that black women are 3 times more likely to die due to childbirth. If we can go back and address the historical roots of racism, its resulting systematic oppression, and the beginnings of women’s health set up as a result of the need to further patriarchy, we can end maternal mortality and morbidity for good. Setting up women’s health so it works for women and in particular black and brown women means approaching wellness from an integrative approach, utilizing healing wisdom from cultures that have long understood the essential ness of maternal health and its impact on the health and wellness of society.

To help bring balance to the insidious ways that racism and sexism has diminished so many lives of women and our families and communities, I have dedicated my life to helping black and brown women improve their lifespan and healthspan. With my twenty plus years of clinical experience, along with the wisdom from one of the oldest medical systems in existence, Traditional Asian Medicine and modern research and technology, I have put together solutions to improve women’s health at varying stages and conditions. This includes helping towards preventing fibroid growth and the potential negative effects with the
Not For The Masses Program. I also help women to safely heal negative symptoms of perimenopause and menopause using herbal medicine.

In my one on one work, I use gut biome testing, Traditional Asian Medicine diagnostics, herbal medicine, meridian imaging, acupuncture, laser acupuncture, acupressure, nutrition, supplements, lifestyle recommendations, and more to boost health and address the chief complaint of the woman.

Postnatally, I help mothers replenish the vitality that they may have lost as a result of labor and meridians (energy pathways) that may be severed during birth (cesareans, episiotomies, and tears). I also assist seasoned mothers to strengthen their root health for longer, healthier lives. Without a thorough understanding of the overall ways that birth, postnatal life, sexism, and racism can fully affect women’s health, we must approach it multidimensionally. I address maternal health on different levels by considering the natural cycles that future and current mothers go through and healing on mind, body, and spirit levels.

The years that I went through in the health crisis forever changed my life and my family’s life and how I view and assist women with their health. Every day I am thankful that maternal mortality did not seize my life, and with this precious gift of life, I work to change the trajectory of women’s and maternal health towards beautifully full health spans, lifespans, and health equity. Thanks, and take good care.


“Heal The Mother, Heal The Earth” essay in PLANET HEAL: What would you do to heal planet Earth? Published in April 2019

A Taste Of Our Own Medicine: 3 Vital Keys to Ending Postnatal Depletion, Nurturing Mothers and Improving Our Communities, which was self published. It launched in April 2017 and became an online bestseller in five categories on Amazon.

Fibroid Prevention Guide, which empowers women with practical hands on information that can help to reduce and prevent fibroids, self published in May 2016.

Yoni Box, a blog that provides natural, safe and effective health resources to women. This extensive online reference launched in April 2015 and includes written as well as video entries.

Professional Appearances

SUNY Downstate

Brooklyn Public Library

WBAI’s Global Medicine Review

WBAI’s Global Medicine Review

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